how could you bear to kill our child?

she didn't know what was wrong with the man, but he actually compared a one-year-old child and even wanted to treat her the same way.


An Xiaowan's beautiful eyes widened slightly, her face full of shock.

"you! you're already so big!"

Huo Shen, on the other hand, crossed his arms and flicked his stained sleeves, looking extremely natural.


an xiaowan secretly scolded him in her heart, but she could only take a deep breath, put a few dishes into the bowl, and then carefully cut them into small pieces with chopsticks. then, she handed them over little by little.

"Not gentle enough."

huo shen looked at her face coldly. he still remembered the day she carefully made little buns for youzi.

At that time, her expression was so gentle and soft, as if she had taken off all her pretense and exposed her most fragile heart.

an xiaowan could only close her eyes and imagine that she was acting.

then, she smiled gently and passed the food to him.