Chapter 1177-paranoid madness

Only then did an Xiaowan realize that her face was actually covered with tears, and her beautiful face had a smudge of makeup. Her black and white eyes were red and swollen from crying. She bit her lower lip tightly.

"Was he the one who came over?"

an xiaowan took a deep breath, gritted her teeth, and asked. she took off her coat, quickly covered her body, and hugged her tightly.

Xia duo trembled, and her eyes were dazed for a while before she slowly nodded.

Just now, she had really felt so cold.

especially cold

Fortunately, he had clothes, Wanwan, and a hug.

xia duo took a deep breath and tried her best to think about many good things. only then did she slowly calm down the fear in her heart.

wanwan, i'm feeling better. " Xia duo's voice was hoarse and soft as she spoke.

an xiaowan nodded and let go of her, saying softly, " then let's not sit on the ground. It's autumn and the ground is cold.

Xia duo nodded her head obediently.