chapter 1182-two-faced trio

The next morning, an Xiaowan woke up.

when she walked out of the room, she realized that xia duo had already finished washing up.

So, the two of them went to the kitchen, made some breakfast, and then brought the grapefruit over to eat.

" you'll stay at my place for the next few days. otherwise, what if si linghan goes over again? " an xiaowan suggested.

Moreover, knowing that Xia duo was here, Huo Shen would probably be too embarrassed to come over every day.

xia duo hesitated for two seconds and nodded. " then i'll go get it later. "

after the two of them had breakfast, they put the grapefruit in the nursery to play before they went to xia duo's apartment together.

As soon as they entered, they all stopped in their tracks.

"Wrong way?"

"That's right, Yingluo."

Last night, the room was as messy as if it had been ransacked, but now it was as clean as a wash.