She was alone

Half an hour passed.

After the two men briefly exchanged information, they quickly locked their eyes on the black off-road vehicle that suddenly appeared two streets away.

"check this car."

"this car is not registered."

So, they went to look for witnesses in the neighborhood.


Time passed by slowly.

Xia duo was still unconscious in the cave.

She was considered to be the very weak type of girl, and her body had always been weak. Therefore, she, who was supposed to wake up within five hours, had not woken up.

The night in the mountains became colder and colder as the sun set.

on the other side, an xiaowan had already woken up.

She was not in the cave.

Instead, he was on a large rock beside a waterfall.

the hard rock was slightly moist, making her feel uncomfortable.

as far as the eye could see, it was pitch black. other than the light from the moon, there was no other light.

what was going on?

why was she here?