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for the next three days, huo shen forced an xiaowan to stay in dibei city.

And in these three days in dibei city, she had practically become a cripple.

When she opened her eyes in the morning, she could already smell the fragrance of food. The handsome man was standing at the head of the bed with his back facing her as he buttoned his shirt one by one. The sunlight shone in through the window, making his hair look slightly golden.

Then the man turned around and said in a light tone, " "It's time to get up and eat breakfast,"

"oh, okay." an xiaowan sat up in a daze, rubbed her hair, and ran to wash up.

when she went downstairs, huo shen was already sitting at the table and eating. his movements were extremely elegant.

the days seemed to have returned to the past in an instant.

She was at Block 8 of Hongli villa, and the days they spent together were just like usual.

however, something had changed.