chapter 1227-she's living in dibei city

however, an xiaowan had only walked halfway when she suddenly stopped.

Hence, when Special Assistant Luo followed her, all he saw was her back view standing there in a daze.

he quickly walked behind her and followed her gaze.

As they walked out of dibei city, they would pass by the pool where Huo Shen had given an Xiaowan the ring.

At this moment, a man and a woman were standing by the pool.

the man was tall and elegant, his face cold and perfect. he lowered his eyes to look at the petite and lovely woman in front of him. The woman in front of him had a light blue hair tie, a light blue Coat, and a white skirt. She looked very fresh and beautiful.

the woman was holding a lunchbox in her hand.

She held it in front of the man and seemed to say something.

then, the man walked to the table by the pool and sat down. the woman also quickly smiled and ran over to sit down.

the man was huo shen and the woman was ye qingqing.