chapter 1229-yes, he is still here

finally, an jiancheng looked at an xiaowan.

There was a strong look in his eyes as he locked his gaze on an Xiaowan's face, scrutinizing her.

"i want to know the truth of what happened a year and a half ago."

A year and a half ago

Naturally, it was about an yanmo.

an jiancheng's resentment for his son had long disappeared, leaving only a father's longing for his son. he had never believed that an yanmo would die so easily without any evidence.

If she had really passed away, an Xiaowan should not have done that.

she quickly cremated an yanmo. wouldn't that destroy all evidence of the culprit?

If she wanted to take revenge for an yanmo and trample on du yunlan, an Xiaowan would definitely seize every opportunity and use all means.

After spending some time with her, an Jiancheng realized this and had a certain understanding of his granddaughter.

"grandpa, what do you want to know?" an xiaowan's gaze also became solemn.

did he discover something?