Chapter 1231-fake encounter

"What's the problem?" In ye Qingqing's mind, the rhythm had been completely led away by ye Jingyan.

"young master huo, i want a child." Even if he didn't know if he was trying to make up for it or if he had other thoughts, his biggest weakness now was his child.

But when he said this, ye Jingyan didn't continue this topic.

"qing qing, you should improve your skills so that you have a chance to fight with an xiaowan."

the night passed quickly.

In the next few days, an Xiaowan began to plan a short trip.

The main reason was that, after some investigation, Susan wanted her to try to enter the film industry and make a well-known film. among them, the director of one of the movies she was most interested in was going to a hot spring resort to play and revealed his schedule.

This place was only two hours away from the imperial capital by high-speed rail, so they were prepared to " Meet " there.

Of course, he could also play with them.