the mother seems to be falling out of favor

youzi was playing in another pool with ni huan.

from time to time, the crisp and melodious laughter of children could be heard. However, he didn't expect that youzi would find out after Huo Shen had only arrived for a while.

moreover, he even shouted "ho ho."

an xiaowan's face suddenly darkened.

she had taught youzi countless times not to call huo shen "dad," but he just couldn't seem to change.

She could basically explain all of youzi's other habits, even the way to call her " mother, " but " Papa " was something that youzi could not learn.

"Daddi! daddi!" pomelo immediately jumped up from the shallow, warm water pool. he jumped repeatedly and was extremely happy.

Huo Shen's lips curved up slightly when he heard her call.


huo shen's voice was much gentler than when he was talking to others. As he responded, he slowly walked over, his eyes slightly exuding a soft gentleness.