I want to help youzi find her biological father

It was a long night.

an xiaowan felt as if she had been tortured to death. in the end, she didn't know how many times she had fainted before this man finally let her go amidst her soft pleas.

he was really a man who did not know how to be satisfied.

He wasn't full.

An Xiaowan sighed in her sleep and fell asleep.

however, huo shen got up and, as usual, cleaned the two of them up and carried an xiaowan back to bed.

however, she couldn't fall asleep.

He thought of youzi, who was in the opposite room, so he put on his clothes and got up. He walked across the living room and went to youzi's room.

In the dark room, only a ray of moonlight floated in and shone on the large bed.

The petite grapefruit looked even smaller in such a small space.

her toot little face was extremely cute in her sleep. the corners of her mouth were slightly curved, as if she was dreaming of something happy.

huo shen's fingers gently touched his soft and delicate cheek.