Huo Shen came by yesterday?

first, ni huan had suddenly run to huo shen. she was already annoyed enough. now, she saw ye qingqing.

This man really could not stop attracting bees and butterflies even for a day.

As for ni Huan, an Xiaowan just wanted to show her that she could touch any man except Huo Shen. however, it was not because of her possessiveness, but because it would have a great impact on pomelo.

She could help anyone in this world that ni Huan liked, except Huo Shen.

He was youzi's biological father, and she couldn't acknowledge him as her biological father. On the other hand, ni Huan was youzi's fake mother. if the real father and the fake mother were together, this matter would be exposed sooner or later.

at that time, an xiaowan would have no way out.

Huo Shen wouldn't give up until he got her, but was that really love?

an xiaowan thought that perhaps things had changed.