you'll marry me if we cancel the engagement?

Back then, it was because of his status that she had forced herself to his side and seduced him.

if he was not the young master of the huo family, they would not have had that fate.

an xiaowan's eyes moved slightly as she looked at huo shen.

"Yes, indeed." huo shen picked up the wine glass beside him, opened a bottle of red wine, and poured two glasses.

It was a bottle of red wine from Huo Shen's collection. In his wine cellar, its value was at least in the top ten.

an xiaowan was a little puzzled. today was not a big day. why did he suddenly open such an expensive red wine?

"Drinking in broad daylight?"

"Why not?" huo shen's lips twitched slightly, looking elegant and content.

an xiaowan looked at his slightly tipsy eyes, which seemed to have not drunk any wine, and couldn't help but purse her lips.

she nodded, took the glass, clinked it with his, and took a sip.