Calm down and command the entire scene

Huo Shen stopped talking and turned around.

he pressed an xiaowan's shoulders and made her sit on the steps. then, he gently rubbed her hair and said in a deep voice, " "sit here, hmm?"

She took a deep breath, and only then did she feel that the voice beside her had gradually returned to normal.

She nodded and slowly let go.

However, it was difficult for her to shift her gaze away from him.

there were several holes in his shoulders and arms, as well as the back of his suit.

an xiaowan's eyes trembled. she clenched her trembling fingers, took a deep breath, and looked at his back nervously.

She had been saved by him again.

"Miss an, are you alright?" Special Assistant Luo bent down and asked.

"I'm fine. You should go and see young master Huo." An Xiaowan frowned and hurriedly spoke.

the scene had been chaotic just now, but in such a short time, it had been quickly brought under control by the huo family's large team.