is he a dog sent by the huo family?

Standing at the door and looking up, an Xiaowan even felt a little creeped out.

how many raw gemstones were there in huo shen's original mine? how did they manage to secretly transport so many things away without being discovered?

"Madam, please." the tall man said.

He had a more murderous aura than the chubby man who had come to the hotel the night before. This person looked like a boss.

he was in a dark environment, but he was wearing sunglasses and a hat.

Even so, an Xiaowan still felt that this person looked a little familiar.

however, the raw stone in front of her had already attracted her attention.

she walked forward, and huo shen followed her unhurriedly, but his eyes were already carefully observing her.

an xiaowan walked over, seemingly casually picking up one of the pieces and looking at it carefully.

at the bottom of the stone, there was a abrasion.

Looking at the others, it was the same.