how dare you touch my man, yingluo

Cold arrogance, aloofness, indifference, and gloom.

Huo Shen closed his eyes and suppressed the uncontrollable rolling in his heart. He raised his hand and helped her up.

Blood spread from her shoulder, wetting a large area.

it was red and shocking.

The veins on Huo Shen's arms were visible, and his hands were clenched tightly into fists.

Fortunately, Lord Billy's angle was just behind her. After the veil fell off, he could only see her back and a little side view. although he felt that she looked a little familiar in that blink of an eye, he couldn't recall anything for a while because he had seen too little of her.

He only felt that she seemed to be a beauty.

he was also younger than he had imagined.

It was probably due to proper maintenance? After all, a woman with such an imposing aura should not be a young person.