Arranging for you to stay in dibei city

In the air, a strange emotion began to flow.

however, an xiaowan quickly regained her senses and looked away. She tried her best to smile on her pale face and said in a hoarse voice, " " how did you end up? did you end it successfully? "

"yes." huo shen walked to the bedside, but his figure was a little stiff.

all the worry and gentleness on his cold and beautiful face were subconsciously suppressed by him. he only said calmly, " " half of the raw stones have been stolen, but the group of people who attacked us have all been killed. "

when an xiaowan heard this, she couldn't help but sit up.

She gritted her teeth and endured the pain. She looked at Huo Shen, who wanted to help her up, and said in a low voice, " "You recognize him, don't you? that's Lord Billy from the Royal duke organization."

Huo Shen didn't reply immediately. Instead, he turned around and poured her a glass of warm water.

after she had drunk half a cup, he replied, " "i've recognized him."