Master's love rival?

the next day, under an xiaowan's urging, huo shen and his group finally flew back to the capital from minlai in two planes.

Her shoulder was wrapped in bandages and a fixation. After getting off the plane, Huo Shen was still worried, so he put her in a wheelchair and Nuan che pushed her, making her look like a completely disabled person.

The weather in the imperial capital was very cold.

Compared to the heat in minlai, it was a completely different world.

However, as soon as she got off the plane, she was covered in a big cotton-padded jacket, which had wrapped her tightly.

the wind was a little strong, and the air was a little dry.

huo shen walked beside an xiaowan. special assistant luo, blue devil, and the others followed behind him. As for Hong Ye, he was no longer qualified to board the plane.

However, they had only taken two steps when they suddenly saw a woman standing alone in the vast open space in front of them.