chapter 1328-mysterious account

the second day, the third day, time flew by.

The ye family's matter was re-investigated, and there seemed to be new information, but no one could be sure. Therefore, everyone just treated it as public relations.

After such a long time, the Huo family still had not recovered, so gradually, everyone decided to give up.

The first thing an Xiaowan did every day when she woke up was to look at the news and situation of the Huo family. She just watched the Huo family's stock fall all the way, almost to the limit down level.

if it hit the limit down, it would really be over.

The large amount of sales had caused the market to be unbalanced. An Xiaowan saw that the situation was getting worse and worse, and finally couldn't hold back.

She called thousand bird, then du min 'er and the others, and cashed in all her savings and money that she could use.