your husband says he misses you


an xiaowan seemed to be able to see huo shen's slightly raised eyebrows.

She still didn't move. She thought, anyway, no one knows who the "Xiao Wan" in his words is, it doesn't matter if she is embarrassed.

but the next second, huo shen cut off her thoughts.

"my xiao wan, big wavy hair, very beautiful, the height of a model." The man's voice was like an intoxicating old red wine, with an alluring fragrance, making everyone subconsciously remember it as they listened.

a tall, big-bobbed beauty?


although the person in the car was wearing sunglasses and couldn't be seen clearly, the description seemed to match it!

"Look, isn't that the one sitting by the window?"

I think so too. Although she's sitting, her legs are super long. She's very elegant. She'll definitely look good.

"yeah, yeah, it's her."