Living and dying together has never changed

She immediately sobered up and flung the blanket away.

where did huo shen go?

an xiaowan quickly ran to the balcony and looked around the bathroom, but there was no one there.

she was a little flustered and hurriedly ran to the door to look for him.

However, the door didn't open when she turned the doorknob.

he twisted again, but it still didn't move.

huo shen left the room and even locked the door? Why?

could it be that yingluo had taken action?

an xiaowan's expression changed slightly. she never thought that huo shen would actually do this!

"Is there anyone outside?"

"special assistant luo, are you there?"

an xiaowan called out to no one, so she had to stand still and try to pry open the door.

At the same time, the team of assassins that had been lying in ambush outside dibei city for several days had already climbed over the walls from every corner of dibei city!

The walls of dibei city were as high as a three-story building.