Chapter 1369-the scheming Devil King

at his command, all the figures hiding in the darkness suddenly descended like the wind!

An Xiaowan was stunned, Gong Li was shocked, and the rest of the people quickly suppressed the shock in their hearts and responded with all their energy.

How could it be?

That man who had lost the Huo family's support, whose career had completely collapsed, and should have no power, how did Qianqian suddenly have so many helpers?

Something was wrong.

what went wrong?

Seeing that the situation was getting more and more out of hand, it was obvious that the Men in Black were at a disadvantage. The leader who was standing not far away immediately turned around in the chaos, wanting to run back and report the situation.

however, she had only taken two steps when a few huo family members appeared at the top of the stairs.

they blocked all the passages and exits, and even guarded every window.