chapter 1379-tired of living a hard life

Gong Li didn't repeat himself. He just curled his lips bitterly and looked up at the ceiling in a daze as he lay on the bed.

the atmosphere turned silent.

Huo Shen felt his heart stop beating for a moment.

an xiaowan didn't go to minlai to start a jade business? did she not go to min lai to seek a dangerous sum of money for the sake of money?

He had always known that she was a woman who loved money.

So when she said that she deliberately took risks and impersonated Jade Fire to carry out that series of thrilling activities in order to make a fortune, he believed it. he thought that she really wanted the jade, so after he came back, he gave all the jade to her to choose from.

Thinking about it, it made sense. If she really wanted that sum of money, why didn't she go to see the Jade after she came back?

and she had spent so much money on the huo family.

When Huo Shen left, Gong Li was still looking at the ceiling.