Where's Papa?

"I said, don't plead for him." Huo Shen's voice was low.

an xiaowan fell silent, her head hanging down, a strong sense of frustration rising in her heart.

After a moment of tension, Gong Li's heart softened.

He suddenly smiled in relief and looked at an Xiaowan. don't let me affect your relationship again. xiao wan, you love him, don't you?"

her expression froze when her thoughts were exposed.

She suddenly turned around and looked at Gong Li. An Xiaowan's heart beat faster and she hurriedly stopped him. stop talking!

Gong Li fell silent again. He sat on the bed with a relaxed expression and revealed a smile.

There was a lot of relaxation in this smile. It was like a person standing in the dark suddenly realizing that he was just in the shadow of the world.

"xiao wan, come back with me." Huo Shen said again.