photo, bracelet, her secret?

It was a very familiar style.

if he remembered correctly, this wallet seemed to be an xiaowan's.

huo shen narrowed his eyes and walked towards the wallet. Standing above the wallet, he hesitated for a moment, then bent down to pick it up.

the wallet was open.

the designs and items inside were clearly displayed before his eyes.

he frowned slightly and noticed that there was a spot on the ground that was illuminated by the sun. it reflected the light and was a little glaring.

huo shen bent down again and looked around in the grass.

when he saw the item's true appearance, his dark pupils suddenly shrank.

he clenched his fist.

it was a bracelet.

it wasn't an ordinary bracelet. it was a bracelet that she couldn't be more familiar with. it was the bracelet he had given her.

That was in moly.

It was a simple and inexpensive handcrafted bracelet. It was very exquisite, but in terms of value, it was not worth collecting.