so what if i lied to you?

an xiaowan held her phone and was puzzled, but she still ignored him.

she found susan and asked her to change her schedule.

she had had enough rest during this period of time, and it was time for her to get busy.

therefore, after some communication, susan quickly selected a few shows that had been waiting for her for a long time, as well as some high-end shows and endorsements that were recently opened.

Now that an Xiaowan's social status had risen, everyone was supporting her, so there was no need to worry about not having any activities.

as for huo shen, he really didn't contact her for three days, so she could have some peace and quiet.

On the fourth day, an Xiaowan had just finished a show when she saw su Shan running over in a hurry, her face full of shock.

at the same time, on the big screen outside the show, the advertisements for luxury goods suddenly turned into a news broadcast!

everyone had gathered to the side, blocking the entire road.