I won't disturb you if you want some peace

when su shan saw an xiaowan following her out, she quickly closed the door with a smile, as if she was afraid that this happy woman would come back and knock on the door.

after going downstairs, an xiaowan saw that the car was already waiting there.

it was no longer an ordinary car that did not match huo shen's status, but an extremely beautiful black and red sports car.

all the facilities inside were the most comfortable and high-end. they were also extended and very spacious.

He stepped on the gas pedal and the car sped onto the road.

special assistant luo's driving posture and speed were completely different from his usual smiling, calm, and cautious appearance. on the contrary, he was very wild.

behind the smart hotel, a VIP road was specially set up.

This road had been cleared a long time ago, so after they passed through the crowd outside, it started to become smooth.

An Xiaowan was actually a little confused. Why didn't Huo Shen come over himself?