A Wolf-like man

Huo Shen's eyes narrowed.

His thin lips curled up into a sinister smile. then, go to my house? " I'm afraid you can't eat Yingluo."

An Xiaowan was stunned, her big eyes blinking.

Cough, cough, this man couldn't just let her have her way!

She immediately chuckled and turned her head. the weather is good. Let's go have breakfast.

"where are we going to eat, huh?" However, the man still refused to let her go. He pressed his body against hers, and his deep eyes revealed a little evil domineering.

"i'll take you there! there's a restaurant nearby that i often eat. it's not bad!" An Xiaowan avoided his gaze and quickly suggested.

Huo Shen chuckled and stared at her for a few seconds before he looked away and agreed.

An Xiaowan heaved a sigh of relief.

This Wolf-like man urged her not to tease him!

at the same time, an xiaowan's mobile phone vibrated.

it was a calendar reminder.