He is my father-in-law

the sky gradually darkened.

in such an environment, the most terrifying thing was the darkness.

the darkness turned everything into the unknown.

Soon, Huo Shen found the tree that had emerged from the water.

he raised his eyebrows slightly. he did not expect an xiaowan to know how to drink this water.

He quickened his pace and continued his search following the traces she had left behind.

however, at this time, an xiaowan had already found a cave and carefully explored it.

halfway through, she realized that there was no light inside, so she didn't dare to continue and retreated.

at this moment, a soft sound suddenly rang in his ears.

she was shocked. she quickly bent down and hid in a dark corner, not moving at all.

The footsteps were getting closer and closer.

An Xiaowan felt a chill all over her body, and a strange panic emerged in her body.

Everything became silent.