What is your wife's name?

after an yanmo had finished his meal, an xiaowan took youzi with her and left with him in the car.

Since she had brought two people who were not capable of fighting, she did not refuse the servants and bodyguards to follow her this time.

However, as they got closer and closer to the location an yanmo had mentioned, an Xiaowan looked at the buildings flying past the window and suddenly felt a little surprised.

this place is awkward.

an xiaowan couldn't help but look at the map again.

When she first heard the address, she didn't even think about where this place was. Now that she arrived, she realized that it was the famous oldest Street in the imperial capital.

once upon a time, this was the most crowded place in the imperial capital. it was filled with all kinds of small stalls, food shops, and handicrafts. Many famous snacks and century-old shops came from here.


an xiaowan couldn't help but ask an yanmo again, " are you sure this is the place? "