it's alright, it's enough that he likes her

What the hell is this Kasaya?

Huo Shen stopped talking and looked at her quietly.

an xiaowan knew that this man didn't like to repeat himself, especially words that would make him embarrassed, so she blinked and said, " "Why do you say that?"

"it's just a feeling."

Aiya, I thought it was something big. You scared me just now. She leaned lazily on his shoulder, squinted her eyes slightly, and said with a faint smile, " "Dad doesn't even remember me. He doesn't even like me, so how could he like you?"

Huo Shen's eyes froze.

he could hear a little disappointment and bitterness in an xiaowan's tone.

after a long while, he slowly said, " "then we'll work hard to help him recover his memory."

but an xiaowan shook her head, lowered her eyes and said in a low voice, " "forget it. i'm afraid that dad will be even more unhappy when he remembers."

The surroundings fell into silence.