Chapter 1457-save yourself if no one can help

there were all sorts of surveillance cameras in the entire venue.

Some were hidden in tree trunks, some in bird nests, some in the ground, and some on the walls.

the surveillance cameras captured almost every corner of the place.

At this time, Huo Shen was sitting in the control room backstage. He looked at the seat an Xiaowan had chosen and raised his eyebrows slightly.

It wasn't the best, but it was okay.

the reason he had brought her here was simple.

he wanted to train her in this area.

Although she was good at horse riding, good at shooting, and knew a little about other aspects, it was still far from enough.

In the Huo family, the number of enemies they had encountered was too many to count.

Even if there were bodyguards around, it was inevitable that there would be times when they would miss something.

If there was no one to help, he had to save himself.