Chapter 1482-you whine, you whine

the key!

It was that key!

lu bei's expression was filled with shock, ecstasy, heartache, madness, and many other emotions. he took big strides and pushed away everyone who was in his way. then, he quickly ran toward the pool!

"Wow, he really jumped, he really jumped!"

"hahaha, i somehow feel that it's a little good!"

I'm dying of laughter. Jumping off the stage ten meters in a gown, that's a very creative way of saying it.

poor Yan Cheng. An Xiaowan actually heard what she said.

" it's a little cold today. even i feel cold just standing there, let alone yan cheng who jumped into the water. "

"Hey, who pushed me!"


in an instant, the discussion turned into a wave of protests and screams with lu bei's participation.

This man was too rough. He didn't have the slightest bit of tenderness towards women. He just treated them like watermelons and radishes, pulling and throwing them away or kicking them away.