have you been to an island?

That guy?

An Xiaowan didn't know who he was talking about and she didn't intend to ask further. She just asked someone to bring Lu bei to the lounge.

at the same time, ni huan, who was drenched and wearing a swimsuit, had already quietly hidden in yan cheng's room.

before yan cheng went up, she ran into ni huan in the corridor.

Because the two of them looked similar, Yan Cheng had an idea and pulled her into the room. then, yan cheng used her identity to pressure and threaten her, forcing her to take her place.

as a result, the two of them put on such a flawless show.

Ni Huan, who was wearing Yan Cheng's dress, jumped down from above. then yan cheng dived into the water from the other side, put on her dress casually, and swam out of the water.

ni huan, on the other hand, wore her courage and left quietly from behind.

the swimming pool was huge and it was night time, so no one noticed it at all.