a vixen that belongs only to you

they didn't book the entire place like before. no matter how soft they spoke, it was still a little embarrassing to go on like this.

thus, the two of them began to focus on the movie.

the movie was a science fiction series that was very popular recently. an xiaowan had watched the first few movies, and after watching this one, she particularly liked it. Following the plot of the movie, she laughed and then became nervous. Her expression was very rich.

There were still many people in the cinema.

Every time there was a humorous scene, there would be a burst of laughter.

Huo Shen had always found it noisy and didn't like crowded places, but for some reason, today was the first time he felt that this was not bad.

It was like that happiness could spread and infect others.

When the movie ended, youzi had already fallen asleep at home.

Huo Shen, on the other hand, took an Xiaowan to dinner.

the romantic decorations made her slightly stunned.