Huo Shen is guilty?

he strode forward with his long legs, stepping on the carpet with cotton slippers on his feet without making any sound.

then, he slowly walked to the sofa.

on the sofa, an xiaowan's bag was placed there. as the zipper was not zipped up, the small bottle inside was also very clear.

huo shen lifted his hand and took out the bottle.

it was a very ordinary bottle.

Huo Shen opened the box again and looked at the pills.

Then, he took two photos and sent them to Special Assistant Luo.

Assistant Luo, who had been waiting outside for a long time, immediately perked up when he received the picture. He hurriedly asked someone to buy the exact same bottle and put in the White vitamin tablets of the same size and shape.

There was already a team on standby for all of this, so it was completed very quickly.

after a while, special assistant luo returned.