my ears, itchy

The corners of an Xiaowan's lips couldn't help but curl up. Her eyes were full of sparkling love.

as expected, she kissed him.

Furthermore, it was a very proactive, very careful, and very passionate kiss.

it was as if she had really treated his lips as a delicious meal. she had tasted them from head to toe, not willing to miss a single corner.

she was afraid that he was hiding the taste of a lie somewhere in his mouth.

she blushed and only released his lips after a long time.

Huo Shen's eyes were already dark.

"how is it?" His voice was hoarse and sexy, revealing countless emotions and forbearance.

every time the tip of her tongue moved, he could not control himself.

only god knew how much self-control he had used up after he had tasted it.

An Xiaowan chuckled, her slender and soft arms hooked around his neck, and she said softly, " "it's very sweet,"

"yes." he nodded his head slightly in a serious manner.