holding her trembling hand

The discussion on the second floor was not known to anyone below.

An Xiaowan, on the other hand, was very free and easy. After the song ended, she stopped and directly turned around to walk out of the dance floor.

He even threw out a sentence,

"Sigh, boring."

She lazily and gently blew her long hair, which had been styled, and her voice carried a wanton laziness. Although she was very lazy, like a sleepy cat, the sexiness that was revealed from her bones made the surrounding onlookers 'hearts go soft.

one wouldn't know if they didn't compare, but once they did, the difference was obvious.

An Xue's face turned pale.

he couldn't jump down in an instant.

she left benson behind and strode out of the dance floor. she snorted coldly behind an xiaowan and raised her voice, " sister, Father's will has already been clearly stated by lawyer du. Why do you still have to go against me? "