this move is too damaging!

An Xue was distracted and didn't notice it.

until the person beside her nudged her with his elbow.

She quickly came back to her senses and looked around before quickly lowering her head again.

" anxue, young master huo said that you should go first. hurry up! "

Huo Shen's expression was still as cold as ever, but he seemed to be calm and elegant. He gently raised his hand and played with an Xiaowan's hair. His sexy thin lips opened slightly and he said lightly, " "Let's take a look at it together."

it meant that everyone could stop now and come and watch an xue!

Didn't an Xue want everyone's attention today?

Didn't you want to be the center of the spotlight?

Didn't you want to be in the limelight and be the most eye-catching one?

Now, everything had come true!

An Xiaowan couldn't help but laugh. Her beautiful and enchanting face was full of a lazy and charming evil smile.