everything designed by an xiaowan

Or rather, what was wrong with the car?

she only felt herself stepping on the car, and then the car quickly rushed forward!

An Xue's face turned pale, and she almost screamed.

she hurriedly reduced the speed of the car and wanted to turn back.

however, there were many cars on the road, and it was a one-way road, so she couldn't turn back at all.

Hence, she could only continue to drive forward while trembling, wanting to stop at the intersection.

However, it wasn't easy to find a parking spot outside the hotel.

In the rearview mirror, she could see that Yaoyao Lin's car had already driven off in the opposite direction. the chance to apologize had obviously been lost.

an xue almost cried. she thought to herself,'i'm finished, yingluo.'

lin yaoyao was a time bomb, and she was going to draw fire to herself this time!

as an xue thought about it in a panic, she took a deep breath and tried to control her emotions as she drove home.