He just seemed to love her a lot

xia duo was stunned. she lowered her head and opened the lunchbox he handed her. she took a deep breath.

Her eyes were a little hot.

she inexplicably thought of wanwan when they had just gotten married.

Si linghan had brought her to his military camp for a tour. At the time, she wasn't sure what the situation was like there, so she had carefully made a lunchbox for herself before going.

At that time, she didn't know how to cook.

the dishes he made were not good-looking either, and the red braised meat was also black.

When she reached his place, she took out the lunchbox and opened it, placing it on the table.

however, he received a call at that time, so he walked away to answer the phone.

Five minutes later, the call ended. Xia duo hurriedly handed him the chopsticks, only to realize that there was already a small bug flying over and landing on the chopsticks.

Xia duo was stunned. She bit her lower lip and didn't know what to do.