an xiaowan is an outsider

" i heard that you've been embroiled in a lawsuit recently, miss an. you were even taken away for investigation a few days ago. how's qianqian doing? "

suddenly, an unfamiliar figure spoke.

An Xiaowan vaguely remembered that Huo Shen had just said that this was his cousin, Rong ziye.

his voice wasn't soft, and everyone around the table heard him clearly.

she smiled. " i'm afraid it's just hearsay. many people who attended the party that night were called to the police station to cooperate with the investigation. this is normal. "

"Is that so? However, it was also a coincidence. That year, it was rumored that miss an and her father were not on good terms, and then her father met with an accident. rumor has it that miss an and her younger sister aren't on good terms, and something happened to her. Rong ziye chuckled. what a huge coincidence.