Old master Huo invited her

usually, huo shen would stay at the huo family mansion on such occasions, but today, he couldn't even stay at the banquet, let alone at home.

The driver stepped on the gas and immediately drove away from the Huo family mansion.

the banquet continued.

the owner of the empty seat at the main table had finally appeared in the banquet hall.

When they saw him, everyone was in awe, just like when they saw old master ye.

when the two old friends saw each other, they immediately gave each other a fist bump.

Even if the relationship between the Huo family and the ye family wasn't as good as before, the relationship between old master ye and old master Huo would not change. they quickly left the venue and went to the inner courtyard to play chess and drink tea together.

after a while, mr. huo also went over.

Old master Huo looked at him calmly, as if he had already known everything.