The handsome Xiao Wan appears!

next, it was time to distribute the guns.

The most important part of this test was to test their speed and skill in assembling guns.

In fact, Huo Shen was not very confident in an Xiaowan's marksmanship. After all, her wrist was still very unstable the last time she came here.

moreover, this was not something that could be achieved overnight.

for this match, one is based on the speed of completion, while the other is based on the standard of completion. the manager of the venue began to introduce the process of the competition.

Everyone had already put on their equipment and were standing in front of a pile of parts.

Looking at the slender, handsome, and dazzling an Xiaowan, everyone was very pessimistic.

Not all of the boys on their side knew how to assemble guns, let alone the girls. How could it be possible for an Xiaowan, who came from a small family, to become a model?