The last one, an Xiaowan

half an hour later, someone else walked in.

He placed the other photo in front of du yunlan.

it was the scene of an yanmo being pushed by an xiaowan on the street, his face full of shock.

he looked very different from before.

his eyes were dull and empty, and there was a lot less coldness and melancholy in them. he looked like the an yanmo du yunlan had first met.

the first time she had met an yanmo, his eyes had not been so misty. he had looked like an elegant and noble young master, dazzling her. she had remembered him ever since.

later on, when yueyue saw him, he had already changed.

it was as if she had lost the center of her life, and there was a layer of fog in her eyes that could not be seen clearly. He no longer smiled and always liked to look out of the window in silence. At that time, du yunlan knew that there was someone in his heart, a past that he could never go back to or throw away.

After that, du yunlan tried to get close to him.