An yanmo is gone!

Twenty minutes later, the entire dibei city was in chaos!

They had only looked at the sky lanterns for a moment, but when they turned around, an yanmo was nowhere to be found! After that, they searched for more than ten minutes with all their might, but they couldn't find any place!

Recalling the last time an yanmo had run out from the back door, everyone rushed to the back door and sent people to search the garden.

however, when they reached the back door,

only a wheelchair was left in the corner of the alley.

There was no sign of an yanmo.

everyone immediately called young master huo and miss an, but no one answered.

in the end, it was luo who received it.

"brother luo!" The nurse was already in tears. what should we do? what should we do, Yingluo? "

Special Assistant Luo frowned slightly and felt that things were not good, so he urged in a deep voice, " "Speak!"