chapter 1617-revenge in the end

She quickly went to check the coordinates of the tracker with her greatest hope.


In fact, he had already found out about the tracking device. Every time he wanted his time, he would send the people away, take out the tracking device, put it on the cat at home, and then jump out the window to escape.

so today, the tracking device was the same.

seeing the unmoving coordinates of the tracker, du yunlan fell to the ground powerlessly.

She clenched her fists tightly and her eyes turned red.

at the same time, an xiaowan called huo shen back. she didn't say much. she just took a deep breath and said, " "Huo Shen, I'll explain it to you later. But now, can you help me find a coordinate?"

Huo Shen's eyes darkened, and he agreed without hesitation.

it was good that she could ask him for help.

he was afraid that this woman was determined to kill him and no longer cared about anything.