Tell the truth

huo shen could not help but cough.

how could he waste a child's hard-earned pocket money?

Moreover, the money to get the marriage certificate with Xiao Wan shouldn't be paid by the little dumpling.

Huo Shen would never have guessed that one day, he would ask a child to prepare everything for his wife and then urge him to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau.


After recovering from his shock, Huo Shen suddenly felt that this was not a bad idea.

even if he didn't cook the raw rice into the baby, if he directly got the marriage certificate, then this woman would naturally be his and couldn't run away.

After all, no one would dare to take on a divorce case without his consent.

huo shen looked at the household registration book in his hand, his deep eyes looking up and meeting the little dumpling's bright black eyes.

their eyes met, and then, they raised their hands into fists at the same time.

with tacit understanding, they collided in the air.