chapter 1634-red-hot little notebook

"Uh, this Kasaya doesn't comply with the rules." he was troubled.

"really?" huo shen raised his eyebrows and leaned forward slightly. she gave me her household register and even took her wedding photo. do you want me to come here for nothing?"

When he said the last sentence, although Huo Shen didn't show any anger or anger on his face, just a slight look was enough to make all the staff shiver in fear.

The aura on his body was too strong, and his words were undeniable.

It made people subconsciously want to lower their heads and not dare to disobey.

the manager's face turned pale and he wiped the cold sweat on his forehead.

But when she looked down, it was indeed their household registration booklet, and it was also a wedding photo taken with a red background. in the photo, the woman did look very happy and blissful. the two of them were a perfect match.

It seemed that apart from the fact that Yingying was still missing one person, there was nothing else.