old master huo's weakness

"Bah! don't look for me when you drink in the future." Huo Shen raised his eyebrows as he spoke. There was even a hint of pride in his deep and magnetic voice.

He almost blurted out, " I'm married.

but he thought of an xiaowan's words and held back.

" if i don't look for you, who should i look for? i can't even get one of them out now. i'm so bitter! " lu yange mumbled.

Huo Shen ignored him and said with a frown,"Don't talk about other things, I'm talking about serious business with you."

Lu yange raised his eyebrows and his expression turned serious. what? "

in the car, huo shen leaned back and looked out the window, deep in thought.

"I say, what do you think my parents" weakness is?"

When Lu yange heard this, he immediately quivered. hey, are you trying to trick me into telling you? Why would I study your family's weakness? it would make me look like I have bad intentions."

"Just say it, I'll pardon you." huo shen said impatiently.