Chapter 1657-a moment of spring is worth a thousand gold

an xiaowan was stunned. 21 years old? that meant he was four years younger than her?

In that case, her mother didn't actually die because she gave birth to her.

she couldn't help but guess that perhaps it was because her grandfather had tried to separate her parents and accidentally caused her to lose her second child. her mother had quietly left in sadness and disappeared without a trace.

She had a feeling that her mother might not have passed away at all.

the atmosphere inside was frozen for a long time. the two men were silent and in pain.

an xiaowan took a deep breath and finally stabilized her emotions. she picked up the tray, pushed the door open, and walked in.

"father, grandfather." she pretended not to hear anything and placed the tray on the table on an yanmo's bed. then, she asked the servant to set up the food and said in a gentle voice, " "You guys eat some?"

"No, I won't." an jiancheng suddenly stood up. " i still have something to deal with. "